Posts by John Messina

Posts by John Messina

Franklin Graham’s Christmas with Greta

This is a very interesting interview that Greta Van Susteren has with Franklin Graham about the shoe boxes that we filled for Samaritan’s Purse for underprivileged families and children around the world.

Sermon Videos Are Now Available

Starting with the teaching on the Book of Revelation, the videos of the sermons will now be available along with the audio recordings. The sermon posts will continue to have the audio for those that want to listen to the recordings. In addition, there will be a link to our new channel on Rumble, where you can view the sermon as well. You can also go directly to our channel here.

Statement of Faith

Pastor Fred discusses what we believe as a church. For further information see the page on our statement of faith.

Worship Venue Change

We do not have access to the Oley Fairgrounds for Sunday June 19 and June 26. Worship will be outside at the Coult’s. Please bring a lawn chair.